It’s Episode Twelve of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Laura Cowen, Mark Johnson, and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.

In this week’s show:

  • We discuss getting people to participate in your open source community…
  • We share some Command Line Lurve, ntp, which we use every recording session:

  1. Make sure ntp is installed. This also starts the service automatically:
apt-get install ntp
  1. Stop the ntp service:
sudo service ntp stop
  1. Force a sync:
sudo ntpd -gqx

This will display the slew, something like and the clock is adjusted.

ntpd: time slew +0.000244s
  1. Start the ntp daemon again:
sudo service ntp start
  • And we also chat about taking another 21 seconds off a PB (personal best time) at Parkrun, celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries, discovering the #systemau podcast, and paying for a software licence!

That’s all for this week, please send your comments and suggestions to: [email protected]
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2 Comments » for S08E12 – Demon Island
  1. Walt says:

    Episode not working on iPhone. Have reset iPhone to factory settings but still won’t play S8E12 episode.

  2. nadrimajstor says:

    Does tinkering on Ubuntu phone apps also require LP use? Most of the time I’m just lost in there and that one is a showstopper for me. I do understand that LP in its current form is a useful tool. Its functionality probably has naturally grown by the needs of project development inside Canonical/Ubuntu and captured the workflow that is alien to people outside.