We announce the Ubuntu Podcast crowd-funder on Patreon and why, after 13 years, we are seeking your support.

It’s Season 13 Episode 8.5 of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.

In this mini-show:

That’s all for this week! You can listen to the Ubuntu Podcast back catalogue on YouTube. We are running a crowd funder to cover our audio production costs on Patreon. If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or Tweet us or Toot us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

1 Comment » for S13E08.5 – When a broken clock chimes
  1. Torin Doyle says:

    Hey guys. Could Canonical contribute a bit towards keeping the Ubuntu Podcast show running? Or do they already?