This week we’ve using new wireless headphones and test driving a Tesla. We discuss Mark Shuttleworth responding to feedback about Snapcraft, Jupiter Broadcasting regaining independence, Ayatana Indicators becoming cross-distro, Yaru Colors and we round up our picks from the tech news.

It’s Season 13 Episode 23 of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.

In this week’s show:

That’s all for this week! If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or Tweet us or Toot us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

3 Comments » for S13E23 – Horseshoe
  1. Torin Doyle says:

    Oh dear, Manjaro admins. That’s very sloppy work indeed. smh ‍♂️

  2. Torin Doyle says:

    I wonder why emojis never show properly in these comments?

  3. Torin Doyle says:

    I recall I had to make a 2nd account on the Manjaro Forum in 2016 due to another mishap on the part of the Manjaro admins where the old account was wiped. Doesn’t give me much confidence in them at all. I now can’t log in with my current account. No interest in making a 3rd account. What a joke.