It’s Episode Ten of Season Nine of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Laura Cowen and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.

We’re here again, although one of us is still in Prague!

In this week’s show:

That’s all for this week! If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or Tweet us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our Google+ page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

6 Comments » for S09E10 – Release the Bats
  1. cathal says:

    “Also Ubuntu Mate ” Tee Hee. (it is very good though)

  2. dshimer says:

    Preface: You guys are my favorite podcast by just a tiny bit over the Linux Voice guys. Both shows are the only ones out of the 10-12 I listen to regularly which I could listen to multiple times and enjoy each time. Honestly there is nothing that can make a rough day seem better like a new episode of U.P. or L.V. ( only slightly behind my wife and grandkids). Thanks so much for what you do.

    I always keep my laptop on the 6 month cycles so I decided to upgrade to 16.04 on about day 3. Hooray the entire process was boring and uneventful, ie: ran the upgrade, sat around and waited, rebooted and…. well it just kept on working fine with shiny new bits. It has been my only system since 8.something for creating and editing audio, video, images, and office work. It all just kept on plugging along and working great along with my virtual boxes and W.I.N.E. stuff.

    I have about 8 friends and family running 14.04 LTS that I will move up to the new one when it is pushed out at the dot one release. There is one with a 12 year old desktop that I decided to try Ubuntu-Mate on just in case it can add a little snap to their experience. I’m interested to hear how that works out for them, their only interaction with the computer is Firefox so once I set the desktop to Mutiny I’m not sure they will even know the difference.

    I played with Mate a bit and it really looks amazing though after growing to love Unity I think I’ll hold steady with standard Ubuntu. I could really see Mate becoming a go-to for a lot of people, and if I ever get a Pi, that’s what I’ll run.

  3. Ian McAloon says:

    Episode 10 Season 9 I was interested to hear that another Squeezebox user is getting the same “Failed to Parse” error that I’m seeing on the current season. I’m using “.//feed/podcast/” as the address and I’ve tried dropping the terminal slash (as that’s how Podkicker displays the address on my Android phone) to no avail. The podcasts that do work on the Squeezebox all seem to end with a generic filename like “podcast.xml”, “rss.xml” or “podcast.rss”. I’ve tried a few guestimates along those lines but it’s either a 404 or failed to parse. I know it’s not much to go on and you are all very busy but I thought I’d reach out to the other Squeezebox user to let him know he’s not alone. Love the podcast via my phone though.

  4. Dietmar Winkler says:

    I thought I try the “apt install localpackage.deb” suggestion. For some reason the apt version that is on my 16.04 version does not take it (using gitkraken as example):
    $ sudo apt install v1.3.0.deb
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    E: Unable to locate package v1.3.0.deb
    E: Couldn’t find any package by glob ‘v1.3.0.deb’
    E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘v1.3.0.deb’
    ~$ apt –version
    apt 1.2.10 (amd64)

  5. admin says:

    Do “apt install ./localpackage.deb” instead.

  6. Mark says:

    Interesting comments regarding ZFS. I wonder if any of you have actually used it in anger???
    I’ve run it at work under FreeNAS as our main storage server for a couple of years.
    ZFS is a very good, fast, efficient, stable and reliable filing system, BUT it is very resource hungry.
    FreeNAS recommend 1GB of ECC RAM for EACH 1TB of disk space.
    And plenty of CPU, quality connectivity/interfacing (not £10 sata cards!), dual PSU’s and definitely an UPS.
    So our server has 30TB of usable space on 24 drives, 32GB of RAM, dual Xeon hex core CPUs…
    It’s monster that does a sterling job.

    But is really necessary on Ubuntu? (unless it’s also monster in your server rack)
    Why would you want a 100% server grade FS on a laptop/desktop?
    All it will do is consume all the resources of the machine.