This week we’ve been doing ITIL Foundation training. Following the release of Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine), we discuss our wish list items for Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 (Focal Fossa), bring you some command line love and go over all your feedback.
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It’s Season 12 Episode 28 of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.
In this week’s show:
- We discuss what we’ve been up to recently:
- Mark has been doing ITIL Foundation training.
- We each present our wish list items for Ubuntu Desktop 20.04.
We share a Command Line Lurve:
mosh [email protected]
- And we go over all your amazing feedback – thanks for sending it – please keep sending it!
Image taken from Super Sprint arcade machine manufactured in 1986 by Atari Games.
That’s all for this week! You can listen to the Ubuntu Podcast back catalogue on YouTube. If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or Tweet us or Toot us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our sub-Reddit.
- Join us in the Ubuntu Podcast Telegram group.
Oy! You lot! << A gender neutral greeting! >> As a longtime Fedora user and frequent Ubuntu dabbler, I am passing along the following, poorly thought out review of the unpronounceable stoat release known as 19.10. Splendid! Beautiful! Fast! I’m used to responsiveness of Gnome 3.34, and am accustomed to installing G-tweak-tool for the few adjustments I like. In this case, I didn’t feel the need. I’ve yet to have a good poke round, but am sorely tempted to wipe my F30 install just to give the ZFS on root installer a chance on bare metal(silicon?). Great job to the team and contributors.
In listening to the last (20.04 Wishlist) episode, I found myself concurring with Martin’s (or was it Popey’s?) want of a desktop bug-tracking application. In the few moments I’ve spent with the fresh, minimal install, I have a few thoughts that aren’t bugs in the sense that something is broken. I guess these could be thought of a usability, gnats? gnits? gniggle?
When clicking the show applications button, I see three apps labelled “Software…” I know what these are, but would a new user?
The minimal install didn’t seem to come with Python of either variety. I expected to flounder a bit, switching from dnf to apt. (apt is sooo fast btw) I did not expect that when installing Python 3, I would need to install pip separately. Is that standard practice? It’s been a while since I’ve had to figure out what the naming scheme of the package would be.
Actually, I think that a usability quirk should be called a gnu-oogle, which says “I had to stop and think for a moment and if things had been more dire, I would’ve needed a search engine to get myself sorted.”
Gnu-oogles aside, what a wonderful release. Sincere congratulations.
PS – Advice for Mark and the family embiggening event. Don’t feed them after midnight, and DONT get them wet…actually no…that’s for Mogwai. Ah! Don’t let your children grow up to be teenagers. Also, don’t worry to much. It’ll all be fine.
In regards to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, my personal wish list has only one item. I would like to be able to drag and drop files to and from the desktop once again. I make regular use of desktop icons for stuff I’m currently working on, and having to open “Desktop” in the file manager every time I want to quickly drop a file somewhere else has become a major incontinence and, in my opinion, a terrible user experience. While I like the overall workflow of Ubuntu’s modified Gnome desktop, this is one thing that really pushes me to return to KDE Plasma.
Sorry if I’ve come across as a bit angry… I love the show, and keep up the good work.